September 1-4, 2024 | Palermo, Italy


Early registration (before July 1, 2024) Late registration (after July 1, 2024)
Full fee € 650 Full fee € 700
Students and retired € 300 Students and retired € 300
Accompanying persons € 150 Accompanying persons € 150

Please, download the registration form HERE.

The full registration fee covers four days of meeting attendance, one year subscription fee to MoDeSt Society, electronic book of extended abstracts, get together party, coffee breaks, lunches and gala dinner.

The registration fee for accompanying persons includes the free participation to the whole social program.

In the event of cancellation of your participation 50% of paid fee will be refunded. Payment of registration fee should be made by bank transfer (Fee is net of bank expenses):

Official name of the bank: UNICREDIT spa, Ag.private banking
Bank code: 7587
The name of the branch: Unicredit spa
Address of the bank: Via Generale Magliocco, 1 - 90141, Palermo
IBAN: IT22W0200804636000300347533

For additional information please contact the Conference Secretariat: