September 1-4, 2024 | Palermo, Italy


The Conference aims to bring together researchers from academia, research organizations and industry in the very important area of degradation and stabilization, physical and chemical modification of polymers, mechanical and chemical recycling. Moreover, filled systems, polymer blends and nanocomposites are topics of this meeting.

The Scientific Programme will feature plenary/keynote lectures and oral and poster presentations. It will cover all major relevant topics of current interest in the following areas:
Oxidation and stabilization
Thermal degradation, combustion and fire retardance
Processing and melt stabilisation
Biodegradation and biodegradable polymers
Ageing of polymers and composites
Functionalisation and reactive processing
Testing and life prediction
Polymer Blends and Polymer Nanocomposites
Mechanical and chemical recycling and energy recovery
Any other topic it deals with Modification, Degradation, Stabilization of Polymers

We are looking forward to welcoming polymer scientists from all over the World to participate in the conference in the beautiful town of Palermo.