MoDeSt is back where it all started in Palermo!
September 1-4, 2024 | Palermo, Italy

MoDeSt 2024
11th conference of the
Modification, Degradation, Stabilization of Polymers Society


The symposium will be held at the Department of Engineering of the University of Palermo Building 8 - Viale delle Scienze, Palermo, Sicily, Italy


Forty minutes will be allowed for invited lectures and fifteen minutes for each oral presentation including time for discussion. Posters should be exposed at the earliest in the morning and removed in the afternoon of the same day; poster boards are 150 cm by 120 cm.

We are pleased to announce that two awards will be granted for the best oral presentations and two awards for the best poster presentations by young researchers (under the age of 35). Each award will consist of a € 500,00 prize.


At the beginning of September, usually, climate in Palermo is very pleasant: sunny and warm (25°C/28°C). Light clothing and swimsuits will thus be useful, formal dressing will not be required.


September is high season in Palermo with a significant flow of tourism and early reservation will ensure you confidential rates.